Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cut and paste to get SKIPPY

My personality is a collage.

No one person should get the blame or take credit for who I am other than myself. I do like to think that the same way a master chef can taste a cake and know the ingredients... a master personality reader can see evidence of what made you... you. Here's a cheat sheet for the rest of you:

*As a kid Bugs Bunny cartoons made me snarky and were a huge influence on me.
*MacGuyver (the person MacGrubber is based on) was who I wanted to be.
*Burke Olsen in the 4th grade introduced me to hair gel and 80's music like Depeche Mode.
*My dad is big and heavy and is TWICE as outgoing as I am. My mom is petite and creative and my hero. Smush them together you get me physically and emotionally.
*I value people who laugh, smile and who make me smile.
*I'm blunt and a little rude at times.
*The saddest thing to me are the tears of others. I cry whenever my mom cries. I always have and always will. I've been taller than her since I was 14 but I turn back into the little boy who wouldn't let go of his mommy's leg anytime her eyes fill with tears.
*I'm almost as funny as I think I am.
*I'm very romantic but with no one to practice on which often makes me feel like the worlds greatest painter who has all of the tools but keeps getting rejected by canvas.
*I love being Mormon and I love the Book of Mormon.
*I'm WAY too sarcastic for a good church goer.
*I love that I have avoided Sci-Fi, scary movies, trucks, hunting, comic books, fishing, fantasy sports, hard rock and most other things considered macho or geeky.
*My brother is 2 years older than me, drives trucks, has tons of tatoos, is SO stubborn, wears crude t-shirts to family reunions and yet is one of the kindest people I have ever known. Plus he has two kittens; Taffy and Candy.
*I forget peoples names all the time. I envy people who are good with names. I think it's one of the reasons I try to stand out so much, so I will always be remembered.
*My dream job is to interview celebrities and then retire by doing a syndicated radio show and guest segments on TV.
*I'm not good looking enough to be on TV.
*I'm searching for a girl who is half my size but twice my cool (and this doesn't mean an Eskimo Midget). Someone who everyone is gonna wonder... HOW did HE get HER?!?! yet she will think... To others he's coal, to me he's a diamond.


burke said...

nice to see i get a nod for introducing you to gel and depeche mode.

it's always fun to look back and wonder how we got where we are and who influenced us along the way.

iamskippy said...

It was a defining moment for me. Thanks for the memories Burke!

Brenda said...

Let's see, what do I think....I think me collecting dirt aint so weird after all! Nice posts Scott. I refuse to call you Skippy. Your personality is enough to keep me from forgetting who you are. With love from dirttravels.blogspot.com